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2021의 게시물 표시

Advanced Economic Theory: Political Economy, Reading List

Advanced Economic Theory: Political Economy Reading List 2021 봄학기     평등주의   O'Neill, Martin, 2008, What should egalitarians believe?, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 36. Parfit, Derek, 1997, Equality and priority, Ratio, X. Parfit, Derek, 1991, Equality or priority?, University of Kansas. Moreno-Ternero JD, Roemer JE (2004) Impartiality. priority and solidarity in the theory of justice, Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No.1477, Yale University Moreno-Ternero JD, Roemer JE (2006) Impartiality, priority and solidarity in the theory of justice. Econometrica 74(5):1419–1427 Moreno-Ternero JD, Roemer JE (2012) A common ground for resource and welfare egalitarianism. Games Econ Behav 75:832–841 Chun, Youngsub, Inkee Jang, Biung-Ghi Ju, 2014, Priority, solidarity and egalitarianism, Social Choice and Welfare, 43, 577-589.   분배정의와 공정배분   Harsanyi, J.C., (1953), Cardinal utility in welfare economics and in the theory of risk-taking, Journal of Political Economy 61, 43...

International Validation of the Corruption Perceptions Index: Implications for Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship Education | SpringerLink

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1013882225402 ... International government and corporate corruption is increasingly under siege. Although various groups of researchers have quantified and documented world-wide corruption, apparently no one has validated the measures. This study finds a very strong significant correlation of three measures of corruption with each other, thereby indicating validity. One measure was of Black Market activity, another was of overabundance of regulation or unnecessary restriction of business activity. The third measure was an index based on interview perceptions of corruption (Corruption Perceptions Index or CPI) in that nation. Validity of the three measures was further established by finding a highly significant correlation with real gross domestic product per capita (RGDP/Cap). The CPI had by far the strongest correlation with RGDP/Cap, explaining over three fourths of the variance.Corruption is incre...

Fair international protocols for the abatement of GHG emissions

Finally an article on climate emergency I have been working on with Juan, Suyi, and Min for longer than a couple of years is out. It has been circulated earlier with the old title, "Climate Change Justice".  We have taken into serious account historical responsibility issue and population norm for designing international protocols for allocating the CO2 emissions allowances among countries. Our suggestion may be somewhat provocative for developed countries, since we propose heavier burden on them due to their historical emission debts and population debts(?). Here are the highlight messages. We take axiomatic approach for designing fair international protocols tackling climate change. Historical accountability and equal treatment endorse historical equal per capita rule (HEPC in the figure). History independence and equal treatment endorse equal per capita rule (EPC). These two fair protocols offer more allowances to developing countries than Kyoto Protocol (KP). Kyoto p...